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Watch Kitsune's new sex@sex.com video for 'Lighten Up' by Citizens! – IHEARTCOMIX Watch Kitsune's new sex@sex.com video for 'Lighten Up' by Citizens! – IHEARTCOMIX

Watch Kitsune’s new sex@sex.com video for ‘Lighten Up’ by Citizens!

February 6th, 2015

Watch Kitsune’s new sex@sex.com video for ‘Lighten Up’ by Citizens!


This Kitsune-made video for ‘Lighten Up’ by Citizens! is probably what everyday life in Paris is like. Not that we’ve been to Paris, but we were pretty close one time and we imagined that there would just be a shitload of half-dressed models psycho dancing in well-lit re-appropriated warehouse apartments with wiggly cartoon tails coming out of their butts … and we were right, goddamn it. We were right.

All fond memories aside, the animation in this video is pretty rad. Words come alive on jackets, sunglasses reflect light and twinkle seductively, and paintings move and squirm with psychedelic determination as if the energy of the song came alive while these two post-pubescent babes shared a mid-morning bout of physical activity. The viewer is routinely asked through cute animated typography that appears in various scenes, “How low can you go?” We’d just like to respond by saying pretty low, thanks for asking.

Directed by Ernest Desumbila, it’s pretty much the millennial version of Paula Abul’s “Opposites Attract” music video, and we mean that in the best way.

‘Lighten Up’ is off of Citizens! new album, ‘European Soul,’ which you can pre-order here.

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