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The Great Bieber Debate: "Where Are Ü Now" vs. "What Do You Mean?" – IHEARTCOMIX The Great Bieber Debate: "Where Are Ü Now" vs. "What Do You Mean?" – IHEARTCOMIX

The Great Bieber Debate: “Where Are Ü Now” vs. “What Do You Mean?”

September 21st, 2015

The Great Bieber Debate: “Where Are Ü Now” vs. “What Do You Mean?”

Forget Donald Trump‘s surprisingly emotive face – There’s a bigger crisis plaguing our nation right now, a debate stirring a rift among Americans who have ears and access to Spotify: WHICH OF JUSTIN BIEBER‘S NEW SONGS IS BETTER?


Let’s set aside the fact that Justin Bieber went from celebrity leper (a la Chris Brown) to being cool and trendy again just because he released some tracks involving equal parts Skrillex and Diplo.

I’m talking “Where Are Ü Now” vs. “What Do You Mean?” (Someone clearly isn’t answering any of Justin’s simple questions). Both are huge musical hits, both are impossible to avoid at clubs and restaurants like the Cheesecake Factory, and both have us secretly singing in our cars in the wee hours of morning and also the not-wee hours of the afternoon.

But which reigns supreme? Let’s compare notes, gang.


1.The collaborators

Technically speaking, “Where Are Ü Now” isn’t a solo Justin Bieber tune. Credit for this behemoth of an earworm goes to my two main men, Diplo and Skrillex, AKA Jack Ü. Despite that, the Biebs is definitely on the forefront of the track, stealing the show from the otherwise catchy-as-all-hell pop tune.

But wait. “What Do You Mean?” is ALSO produced by Skrillex – and it’s JUST as catchy. They’re not heavy-hitter songs – at least, neither of them have the jarring bass we’ve come to associate with Skrillex, or the seductive, “get me out of my pants” beats that Diplo produces. Both are fun, radio-friendly songs. Sometimes I can’t even tell them apart. IT’S A DRAW.


2. The videos

Let’s check out the accompanying aesthetics. “Where Are Ü Now” has got a video reminiscent of a tiny flipbook. It’s littered with fan-made drawings of Justin Bieber, subliminal messages, and a whole lot of paint. The concept behind it is rad, and we even see some signature Bieber dance moves.

“What Do You Mean?” on the other hand, is a concept video. A would-be failed crime heist starring Xenia Deli and – GASP – JOHN LEGUIZAMO! Come on. How cool is that?

The video for “What Do You Mean?” also has some steamy scenes between Justin and Xenia – I mean, if you’re into that kinda shit. I was in it for the story, honestly.

So it’s art vs art, basically. It’s cool that fans were featured in the former video … But John Leguizamo, guys.  Moulin Rouge?? Ice Age?? THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE????

I’m sorry. “What Do You Mean?” is going to win here.


3. The lyrics

Let’s face it, Justin’s songs have matured tenfold. We’re no longer in the “baby, baby” phase, but then again a public break-up with a well-known pop star can do that to ya. I mean, did you see him tear up at the MTV VMA’s? He’s feeling some type of way right now.

His recent tracks feel genuine, albeit slight melancholic. “What Do You Mean?” is a song of pent-up frustration. A classic lament of “this chick is giving me mixed messages and I don’t fucking like it.” Who does, Justin? Amen.

“Where Are Ü Now” tho, guys. Every time I listen to it, I feel pangs of guilt because we ALL know who he’s talking to, and unlike when Taylor Swift publicly and annoyingly calls out her list of lovers, Justin’s crooning is downright sympathetic. I’m sorry, dude. You’ll get Selena back, maybe. One day. Fingers crossed.

This round goes to “Where Are Ü Now.”


Three rounds in and it’s still a tie, with no clear winner in sight. But maybe it doesn’t matter. The fact that the Internet is bickering about which of his new songs is more FIRE than the other is probably the bigger point. For real. I actually like both of these songs. I’m not even ashamed to admit it. The winner either way is Justin. Kudos to you, dude. You’re like, super popular again. Congrats.

And we hope he gets better at naming his songs. In the meantime, we’re looking forward to subsequent smashers “What Am I Doing?” “What Are You Doing?” “What Are You Doing Now?” “What Did You Do?” and our personal favorite “Who Am I and Why Do I Look Like Ellen DeGeneres?”

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