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Videos of the Week: One Dance – IHEARTCOMIX Videos of the Week: One Dance – IHEARTCOMIX
June 27th, 2016

So, it’s officially Summer. You know what that means…. FESTIVAL SEASON BETCHES. I know you guys are all very nervous about embarrassing yourselves out there on the dance floor (lawn?), so I did you all a favor and brought you videos featuring the coolest dance moves I could find for you all to try. Whether you try to emulate the neon cowboy doing fancy footwork in Antwon’s music video, Moby raving on the subway, preteens whip/ nae nae-ing to Aphex Twin, or Aminé dancing with bananas in a car, you’re guaranteed to be the belle of the ball.

*Disclaimer – I don’t know anything about being cool and am not responsible for any friends you lose if you try these moves.*

1. Antwon – “Dri-Fit”

“Dri-Fit” is the second music video Antwon has released off of his amazing Double Ecstasy EP. It was directed by Chase Ortega and Romo aka The 90s and even has a cameo by cholo-goth Prayers. The video features a midnight cowboy named El Electrico all decked out in a neon Transformers suit. He even has a light up cowboy hat and boots to match. He then Ubers to the function, where instead of party hats, they apparently passed out cowboy hats because literally everyone is wearing one. Even the babies got a mini one! It’s also now one of my life goals to attend a party like this.

2. Moby – Porcelain (Visual Memoir)

This short documentary is the video companion to Moby’s brand new memoir Porcelain. It follows Moby visiting his old haunts in New York and explaining how each location shaped him into the artist he would eventually become. He even talks about how he once attended a rave on the subway with infamous club kid Michael Alig!

3. Aphex Twin – “CIRKLON3 [ Колхозная mix ]”

This is Aphex Twin’s first music video in 17 years, and they had a 12 year old named Ryan Wyer direct, edit, and produce it. Apparently this kid has been making Aphex Twin fan videos for two years. It’s basically exactly what you would imagine a music video directed by a 12 year old would be but I love it. For most people, 12 is the age when you’re just weird as hell. You can’t help it. And it’s also around the time when you really start developing your own music taste. I feel like this video is such a perfect example of this age. We get to see locations in Ireland interspersed between shots of Ryan jumping around his room wearing a Richard D James mask, his friends dancing really weirdly, and even a little girl munching on a sandwich. It’s so avant-garde and perfect.

4. How to create Drake’s One Dance

I love this shit. From the Nintendo 64 games, to the soda bottle full of (probably not actually) vodka, to this dude’s deadpan face throughout. Who knew it was so easy to be Drake?

5. Aminé – “Caroline”

I’m obsessed with this video for Aminé’s new song “Caroline”.  It features Aminé and friends cruising around Portland in a car filled with bananas. I think the two main demographics that would really love this video are 1) babies, because the colors are supersaturated and nice to look at and 2) people with a severe potassium deficiency, because those bananas looked so delicious that I ate two of them immediately. It also kind of made me sad because it reminded me that Summer in places other than LA is actually fun when you’re not burdened with 110 degree weather everyday.

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