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IHEARTCOMIX: Drink the Kool-Aid with Son Lux's new video for "You Don't Know Me" IHEARTCOMIX: Drink the Kool-Aid with Son Lux's new video for "You Don't Know Me"

Son Lux’s Video for “You Don’t Know Me” Will Make You Join a Cult

June 30th, 2015

Son Lux’s Video for “You Don’t Know Me” Will Make You Join a Cult


If you’ve ever seen BBC America’s Orphan Black, you already know that Tatiana Maslany is very, very good at playing creepy (Well, actually she’s very good at playing just about anything, but I digress.) As such, she’s a perfect fit for the role of the chillingly detached wife turned just-plain-chilling high priestess at the center of Son Lux‘s new video for their anthemic single “You Don’t Know Me.”

We open on several scenes of the wife barely concealing her disdain for an utterly oblivious husband (Noah Segan), all blank stares and tight smiles as he chatters on across the dinner table and nuzzles her neck on the couch. How could he know her, when he doesn’t even notice that she looks about two seconds away from taking him out with a sharp object.

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Then, as the song crescendos, we cut to Maslany the cult leader, administering a series of sacraments (who knew chewing gum could carry such spiritual import?) and rituals to a spellbound circle of adherents.

Interestingly, new Son Lux guitarist Rafiq Bhatia (who along with drummer Ian Chang makes an appearance amongst the worshippers), told CoS that “You Don’t Know Me “calls out the appropriators of dogma … who misuse political and religious philosophies to subjugate and oppress.” Perhaps Maslany’s high priestess is meant to represent one such appropriator. But she looks so damn cool (and did I mention creepy?) doing it, I can’t say with any certainty that I wouldn’t count myself amongst her flock. See for yourself:

Check out Son Lux’s stellar new album BONES and don’t forget to snag your tickets to see them perform with Olga Bell in Los Angeles, July 9, 2015 at El Rey Theater! TICKETS


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