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Mastodon Epically Cameo in 'Game Of Thrones,' Basically Play Themselves – IHEARTCOMIX Mastodon Epically Cameo in 'Game Of Thrones,' Basically Play Themselves – IHEARTCOMIX

Mastodon Epically Cameo in ‘Game Of Thrones,’ Basically Play Themselves

June 1st, 2015

Mastodon Epically Cameo in ‘Game Of Thrones,’ Basically Play Themselves

Last night’s Thrones was – as it always is – truly some shit.


The writers totally disregarded the book’s plot-line once again and wrote a huge fight between Wildlings/Jonny Snow and the White Walkers which left a meteor-sized impact on my sense of inner peace and calm. Also good: the Night’s King finally showed up (as a nerd somewhere pooped themselves), Tyrion and Khaleesi are now BFF, Jorah gets to reenact the entire movie Gladiator, and Cersei stops showering.

But the special section of fandom that not only enjoys epic fantasies and scowling cold people, but also thrashes the fuck out, received a special treat in the episode: the members of Mastodon cameo-ing as Wildlings, which included them getting murdered and zombified by White Walkers. To that, I have to say this: “I literally can’t even.”

If this doesn’t make any sense, listen with your earholes and watch this … You’ll see why 9/10 people with eyes rated their cameo as “pretty, like, epic.”

The band described this as one of the best perks of their musical fame they’ve ever experienced, which is fair, because I would do horrific, unspeakable things for a chance to get murdered on Game of Thrones – except, of course, going through the very normal avenues by which they get all their other extras.

However, this could be a slippery slope if GoT starts going hard on the celebrity cameos. Picture some HBO Corporate Maniac sitting in his lair deep in Burbank like: “Wouldn’t Adam Sandler make a great comedic relief Lannister? Bran being taught to use his legs by the Three-Eyed Crow, voiced by 50 Cent? In an effort to cut down the CGI expenses, just using the Dixie Chicks instead of Khaleesi’s dragons?” Things could get weird …

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