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Pictureplane Drops Gritty Memphis Rap Mixtape – IHEARTCOMIX Pictureplane Drops Gritty Memphis Rap Mixtape – IHEARTCOMIX

Pictureplane Drops Gritty Memphis Rap Mixtape

November 9th, 2015

Pictureplane Drops Gritty Memphis Rap Mixtape


The only cure for binge-listening Pictureplane‘s music (his new album Technomancer came out last week) is… uh… more Pictureplane, DUH. But this time, he’s not serenading you with his own signature blend of gothy synth pop … he’s making your gluteus maximi clap with this Memphis rap mix he premiered on FADER.

On the heels of his latest release comes a new mix from the NY producer. It’s a little south from the gothy tendencies of Technomancer, a mixtape of mostly old-school ’90s Memphis rap songs that Pictureplane has collected throughout the years on cassette tapes. As such, the mix has a raw, grainy feel to it, and a subtle brutality that I think juxtaposes well with the dark ooze of Technomancer.

“I imagine people hanging around with their friends and smoking weed to this music,” he told FADER re: his masterpiece. I mean, I’d chill out and smoke a bowl in a graveyard to both releases. (Anyone want to join? I’m sending the FB invite tomorrow).

The mix comes along with a brief interview that’s worth looking into. Remember to check out Technomancer too, if you haven’t yet. ‘Cause it’s good and I want you to have nice things.

And as always, make it a point to scour Pictureplane‘s Soundcloud  :)

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