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Top 5 reasons you should go to the ClubIHC Valentine's Day show with Girl Unit – IHEARTCOMIX Top 5 reasons you should go to the ClubIHC Valentine's Day show with Girl Unit – IHEARTCOMIX

Top 5 reasons you should go to the ClubIHC Valentine’s Day show with Girl Unit

February 13th, 2015

Top 5 reasons you should go to the ClubIHC Valentine’s Day show with Girl Unit


What are you doing for Valentine’s Day, the world’s most Hallmark-ed holiday? Having a nice Italian dinner with your significant other of some years? Cancel it.

Come to our ClubIHC Valentine’s Day party with Girl Unit instead … Well, not with Girl Unit. Girl Unit is headlining, not dating you.

There are a million and one reasons why you should be doing this, but we distilled that vast and expansive list down to five good ones, because ADHD. Three of those reasons should have been MikeQ, Helix and Patrick Brian, who are all bass-pumping, sex-music playing DJs opening for Girl Unit, but we got a little more creative with it.

So, here are five scientifically proven arguments for why you can consider your Valentine’s Day plans planned. You can thank us later.

1. Girl Unit’s new EP ‘Hysterics’ is the perfect thing to make out with strangers to.

You know, to prove you’re fine being alone on Valentine’s Day. Shit, you’d even say you were happy. Plus, isn’t that what Valentine’s Day is for? Orally greeting strangers with reckless abandon as a grand “fuck you” gesture to bank holidays? It is. And you only need to take one listen to these singles off the ‘Hysterics’ EP to know they’re the perfect soundtrack for doing that.

2. MikeQ made you an exclusive mini-mix of his V-Day set.

It’s like he’s easing you into it, one throbbing beat at a time. So gentle. So thoughtful. So MikeQ.

Plus MikeQ is the diva prince of voguing and if that doesn’t say “Let’s split a child,” we don’t know what does.


3. There’s gonna be a sassy animated .gif photo booth from Phhhoto there.

Reasons why you need this:

a.) Your ex will see it and be reminded of your subtle, yet elegant bodily movements and be like “Why did I ever dump her she’s having so much fun, gonna cry into a houseplant now.”

b.) You and your future one-night-stand can consecrate your love in animated form, which may or may not give you a clue what their name is in the morning when you wake up in their 400 sq. foot Silverlake apartment that goes for $3,500 a month #clues.

c.) So you can fondly remember the last solo Valentine’s Day you have before faulty condom leaves you with 18 years of inter-human responsibility and alimony.

4. “It’s a great place to hook up” – Franki Chan, IHC owner, founder, and friend.



5. Because staying home and working on your “couple’s intention board” is stupid and you know it.


Guess what science told us one time? Experiential novelty boosts dopamine. And dopamine makes you horny. And horniness makes you try new, fun sex stuff on Valentine’s Day that you never saw an occassion for during the rest of the year. So do something out of the ordinary on Valentine’s day and come to the show.

See you there. You’re personally invited to dance close to us.

Club IHC Valentine’s Special w/ Girl Unit, MikeQ, Helix and Patrick Brian

Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 9:00 PM PST (9:00 PM Doors)
– Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 2:00 AM PST
The Lash Pop-Up, Los Angeles, CA
21 years and over


Club IHC Phhhoto Girl Unit Flyer

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