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Watch Kitty Interview Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld at Comikaze – IHEARTCOMIX Watch Kitty Interview Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld at Comikaze – IHEARTCOMIX

Watch Kitty Interview Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld at Comikaze

November 10th, 2015

Watch Kitty Interview Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld at Comikaze

Kitty Interview Rob Liefeld deadpool creator

There are a few things every person wants from life; some basic survival/security shit that must exist in order to avoid dying. For most of us, those things are as follows: continuing to breathe, sporadic coitus, sum water, readily available sandwiches and a roof over our head so El Nino doesn’t fuck up our perm. When those requirements are met, everything’s peachy and undead.

For us at IHC though, we want more from life. We want to interview Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld. That’s pretty  much right up there with breathing.

And by God you guys … it happened. Our one life goal actually happened.

Thanks to some unbelievable astral alignment/ the internet, we were able to catch up with the man himself at L.A.’s recent Comikaze convention. We sent our intrepid video reporter/ spirit animal Kitty to do it, and they talked like old friends about Deadpool’s inception, what the hell is up with Cable, Rob’s propensity for controversy, and of course, Kitty’s favorite convention drinking game. No word yet as to how he feels about Ryan Reynold’s as Deadpool yet, but … someday.

Watch the interview below, and go here to see more of Kitty’s excellent video-ing.

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